The Metamorphosis of the Magical Girl Genre
As the tone in the Madoka series shifted at the end of episode three, so did the tone of the mahou shoujo genre as a whole, leading to a change in demographic focus that’s still being felt today.
As the tone in the Madoka series shifted at the end of episode three, so did the tone of the mahou shoujo genre as a whole, leading to a change in demographic focus that’s still being felt today.
This introduction paints a dazzling but grim picture of a not-too-far-flung sci-fi future.
While Salaryman’s premise is pretty by the books, it absolutely shines in execution
A diverse but overstuffed cast and slightly stiff production combine to form a Crunchyroll Original that isn’t terrible, but likely won’t turn many heads either.
This year had a range of anime for just about every taste, and the result is one of our biggest year-end lists ever!
In which a late-game contender for anime of the year makes its appearance!
Caitlin, Vrai, and Dee come to the end of their Soul Eater rewatch and talk about the controversial anime-original ending and their thoughts on the series as a whole!
The new year brought us a quiet season with some hidden gems and stellar rom-coms.
This has been a disappointing season thus far – at least for me. I was holding out hope for this series since the trailer looked good, but damn what a way to be disappointed.
How did this veritable shitpost of an anime get so much love and attention? I mean, the art looks good, the OP and ED are solid, and the comedic direction is on point.
Fantasia Sango somehow makes The Three Kingdoms boring by being the most tepid video game adaptation to ever air.
If you’ve ever asked the question, “How do I make baseball more dangerous, more exciting, and also, a contact sport?” then Tribe Nine might just be the over-the-top, absolutely goofy series for you.
Do you want to watch a show about an insufferable young man born into money, scheming to make more money, stumbling into success and being lauded as a tactical genius?