[Links] 14-20 June 2017

By: Anime Feminist June 21, 20174 comments

Best and worst (pictured) dads, genderqueer students, and ethical fandom practices.

AniFem Round-Up

[Editorial] The Big Problem Behind Unpaid Interpreters: Why anime fans should value their skills

Anime Expo tried to recruit unpaid interpreters for their con this year, which does a huge disrespect to the difficulty of interpreting – something not even fluent speakers can necessarily do.

[Podcast] Chatty AF 11: Shirobako watchalong – episodes 7-12

The watchalong continues and hits close to home.

[AniFemTalk] Dads of anime and manga

Let’s talk dads! Best, worst (besides Gendo), blood and found.

Beyond AniFem

Newcomers Struggle to Enter Japan’s Voice-Acting Industry (Anime News Network)

The industry has become more difficult for women in particular, who are judged increasingly on appearance and ability to sell secondary merchandise like CDs, all while being crowded out by young idols.

Prolific voice actress Megumi Hayashibara (Neon Genesis Evangelion‘s Rei, Detective Conan‘s Ai Haibara, Pokémon‘s Musashi) offered a similarly critical appraisal of voice acting in Japan last year. She said successful voice actors may be forced to perform cliched and stereotypical lines in an era of modern anime that lacks originality. She also said voice actors may go from hectic lives basking in limelight to falling out of popularity in just a few years.


This covers Yamamoto’s whole career from MADHOUSE to now, with some great production tidbits (Lieutenant Oscar’s costumes were also inspired by Johnny Weir!).

—Looking at it now, I think that Michiko and Hatchin’s relationship has some things in common with Victor and Yuuri’s in Yuri on Ice.
That’s possible. Regarding Michiko, the CEO wanted to create an action battle anime with a woman as the protagonist. I believe it’s because he thought I was good at American comic style, since I assisted Koike-san in his works… I can draw it to an extent for work, but in fact I’m not so interested in it (laughs). I personally feel that relationships with a name, such as “lovers” and “family”, are oppressive, and I wanted to depict a bond that wasn’t restrained by a name. In this Yuri is the same. Of course if you say that they are “a coach and a student” that’s true, but…

Diet makes historic revision to century-old sex-crime laws (The Japan Times)

The definition of assault is now broader, protecting more victims, though issues like spousal rape, assault without “violence and intimidation” (i.e. coerced or substance-altered victims) are still not addressed and the national age of consent reportedly remains 13.

With Friday’s update, the definition of rape — which has traditionally been limited to vaginal penetration by a penis — will be expanded to include forced anal and oral sex, thereby recognizing that males can be rape victims. The minimum sentences will be raised to five years from three, while rape resulting in death or injury will from now on entail a minimum six years in prison, up from the current five.
Offenses such as rape and indecent assault will become prosecutable even if those who claim they are victims do not file formal complaints.


Mostly a general update on the state of the industry, it does include some information on the plight of working mothers.

[KyoAni] really is in an entirely different dimension when compared to the industry at large: while we’re stuck trying to get animators to earn more than 2 bucks per drawing, they’ve got everyone as full-time employees with living wages. But the important part here is not to get complacent. The child-care leave system was already in place, but things always can (and must!) improve. This industry has an endemic problem when it comes to healthy family lives; according to JANiCA’s reports, around 85% of anime industry members don’t have children, not just animators.

Japanese School Officials Consider Gender Identity and School Uniforms (Takurei’s Room)

An event in Fujioka city highlighted the voices of students speaking against mandatory gendered uniforms.

The event was the first ever Fukuoka City School Uniform Consideration Assembly, organized by former elementary school teachers and lawyers. 25 school officials attended the event.
One 17 year old 3rd year high school student living in Fukuoka said that while their body is female, they “identify as neither male nor female”. In May of their 3rd year of junior high school, wearing a sailor uniform suddenly felt distressing.

Meet the women shifting the political landscape in Japan (CBS News)

Yuriko Koike, Tokyo’s first female governor, talks about misogyny in her field and the need for more women in power.

“A former governor said, ‘We can’t leave Tokyo to a woman who wears too much makeup.’ What did you think when you heard that?” Diaz asked.
“Unfortunately, in Japan, men still look down on women,” Koike responded in Japanese. “I want to change that. But I should thank the governor. His comments gave me more female votes.”
Since taking office in August, she has battled corruption and financial waste, including cost over-runs from Tokyo’s 2020 Olympics. That drive made her popular with voters and unpopular among her city hall colleagues, many of whom are resistant to change.

Japan’s corporations make strides to foster inclusive LGBT work environment (The Japan Times)

Right now, corporations are doing more than the Japanese government to protect and encourage their LGBTQ employees.

Fujita and Inaba launched a private organization in February 2016 called Lawyers for LGBT & Allies Network, aimed at promoting understanding of sexual minorities, eliminating discrimination and helping create a more inclusive society.
“The main focus of our organization, which will soon become an NPO, is freedom of marriage. Our view is that heterosexuals have access to the system of marriage set by the civil code, but why should this be inaccessible to people with different sexual orientations or gender identities?” Fujita said.

By paying women less, is Japan deepening its own deflation? (Asia Times)

An editorial on Japan’s slow progress and women’s frequent relegation to irregular- and lower-paying jobs.

In Tokyo, Queisser and Stephane Carcillo pushed one of OECD’s favorite reforms: mandatory quotas. It’s a third-rail topic in male-dominated Japan, but it’s the fastest way to boost economic growth and social vitality.
Tokyo, of course, likes its gender upgrades small and gradual. Hence the focus since 2010 on the “Ikumen Project” encouraging fathers to change diapers and help with household chores.
Quotas would force a business culture that likes things as they are to operate differently.

Sexual orientation remains a taboo subject in schools, leaving students in the dark (The Japan Times)

The refusal to introduce discussion of LGBTQ issues into Japan’s curriculum is hurting both queer students and leaving straight students without any empathy for this supposed “other.”

A member of ReBit, a Tokyo-based nonprofit LGBT support group, said that silence on the issue in schools causes children to doubt their sexual orientation or struggle with gender identity — and this in turn causes isolation or avoidance of school.
“Nearly 70 percent of LGBT children are believed to have been bullied and about 60 percent of transgender students have contemplated suicide — of which 30 percent have already tried to take their own life,” said Kanako, 23, who requested her last name be withheld. “I believe this should be addressed through education.”

The Ethical Weaboo: How I justify being a Japanophile in a culturally appropriative world (Otaku Journalist)

On how Western fans might approach enjoying Japanese culture without appropriating it.

I think getting paid is a huge part of solving the problem. Appropriation can be defined as “taking something for one’s own use, typically without the owner’s permission,” or basically theft. Theft doesn’t just rob somebody of their valuables, but the authority to decide how those valuables are used. So for me, ethically indulging in my Japanophile tendencies looks a lot like Japanese people and companies getting paid. It’s the least I can do to repay them for hooking me so powerfully on their culture. I donate to the Japan-America Society of Washington DC. I take Japanese lessons from native speakers. I go to pay-at-the-door Japanese Embassy events to learn about sake, rakugo, and traditional lacquer work, so I’m learning the culture’s context at the same time that I’m compensating its artisans.
This isn’t a total solution. I can’t throw money at a problem and consider it solved. As long as I’m a guest in Japanese culture, I need to listen to Japanese people who tell me when I’m being offensive and quit it. I want to contribute to cultural appreciation, not take away from it


Perversion Subversion – Examining Hentai Sensibility – Extra Credits (YouTube)

An examination of how media can address and subvert sexualized content, using one successful example (Yakuza 0) and one unsuccessful example (Persona 5)

AniFem Community

We asked you for your favorite dads, in honor of Father’s Day, and you delivered.

We’re still getting suggestions on this, check out comments on the post and join in the conversation!


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