Crowdfunding campaign live update post

By: Amelia Cook November 30, 20180 Comments

The countdown is over – our crowdfunding campaign just went live on Indiegogo! You can finally read our campaign, see our list of perks, watch our video, and contribute at

(Remember, for the first 24 hours ONLY anyone contributing $10 or more will receive a high quality A4 art print of the beautiful illustration we’ve commissioned, absolutely FREE! This offer will end on Sunday 2nd December at 08:00 GMT/UTC, as decided by Indiegogo’s clock, so make sure you don’t miss out.)

On our Indiegogo page you can read our full campaign, find out what merchandise we’re offering as perks, and see a video featuring yours truly (and some anime characters you may have heard of)!

I wrote a lot of this information in advance though, and often in more detail, through our pre-launch series of editorials:

The future of Anime Feminist

What happens if we don’t meet our crowdfunding goal

Who will get the money we crowdfund

How much money are we aiming to crowdfund

I’ll be adding to this post as our campaign progresses, especially as we make it through our earliest milestones. Our day one target of 30% is just $5,970 of our $19,900 goal, and I can’t wait to add the first update here that we’ve made it past that point!


Update 09:00 UTC: We’ve made 10% of our goal in our first hour!

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU to those who have been able to contribute so early and send such a positive message about the level of community support we have! Here’s to the next 23 hours…

Update 09:30 UTC: Halfway to Milestone 1, where we can cover all external costs of running the campaign, in just 90 minutes!

Update 09:40 UTC: We made it to 50 backers in 100 minutes! Over 175 signed up in the pre-launch period, plus it’s the middle of the night for the USA right now, so these are some very promising numbers.

Update 11:20 UTC: We reached 20% in 3h20…with 69 backers. (Just one hour later and it would have been internet meme perfection.)

Update 11:40 UTC: We’ve gone past $4,000! That’s two months of our Patreon income in under four hours.

Update 12:00 UTC: Over 75 backers in just four hours!

Update 12:30 UTC: We’ve raised a quarter of our goal in just 4.5 hours!

Update 13:05 UTC: We breezed past 30% and made it to one-third of our goal!

Update 13:30 UTC: 100 backers!

Update 14:00 UTC: In just 6 hours our crowdfunding campaign has breezed through our day 1 targets! Thank you all. We put out a little summary across social media to update our supporters:

Image of text in AniFem branded colours: "AniFem's first 6 hours of crowdfunding, in numbers... 109 backers, $7,117 raised, Milestone 1 cleared, 35% of our goal met - thank you! Now help us hit our next milestone: $12,660 for our website overhaul."

Update 14:30 UTC: We’ve hit an incredible 40% in just 6.5 hours! Can we make it past 50%…?

Update 16:05 UTC: Halfway to our goal in just over 8 hours! Not bad for a day at the office. 🙂

Update 16:10 UTC: Entered the world of five-figure sums at $10,000!

Update 18:50 UTC: 200 backers! Thank you to every single one of you, and to everyone who has been sharing the link to our campaign with personal endorsements. Clearly it’s working!

Update 20:15 UTC: We have cleared Milestone 2 – our website overhaul is paid for!

Update 20:30 UTC: I put off our 12-hour update by a few minutes as we were so close to clearing Milestone 2, but here it is:

Image in AniFem branded colours of text saying: "AniFem's first 12 hours (+ 15 minutes) of crowdfunding... 223 backers, $12,714 raised, Milestone 2 cleared, 63% of our goal met - thank you! Now help us to our next milestone: $17,910 for 75+ podcast transcripts."

Update 21:45 UTC: We’ve reached 67%, two-thirds of our goal!

Update 23:10 UTC: 250 backers! (And 69% of our goal, which I pre-emptively agree with you is nice.)


Update 01:30 UTC: We hit 75%, three-quarters of our goal!

Update 02:00 UTC: Set alarms to wake up and draft an 18-hour update, woke up just enough to take a screenshot before crashing again. Oops… I’d meant to prepare and share an image of the highlights, but it took a couple of near-sleepless nights to get the campaign to launch-readiness and my brain wasn’t falling for that again. Here’s what it would have said though.

Image of text in AniFem branded colours saying: "18 hours into AniFem's first day of crowdfunding... 231 backers. $15,369 raised. Milestone 2 cleared. 77% of our goal raised - thank you! Help us clear our next milestone: $17,910 for 75+ podcast transcripts."

Update 03:00 UTC: Woke up exactly long enough to take a screenshot – and the numbers were exactly the same as they had been an hour before. Knew it was even more important to wake up and promote the campaign. Fell asleep almost immediately again anyway.

Update 05:00 UTC: Somewhere around this time we cleared 80% of our goal, which was my personal goal for Day 1 success! I dreamed of 100%, had a data-driven target of 30%, and hoped to clear 50%, but 80% is where I felt like I could say I’d done a good job, and could be confident of meeting our goal.

Update 07:55 UTC: We hit 85%! (Possibly as a result of my desperate plea on Twitter for someone to contribute the $24 it would take to push us over the line from 84% in time for the end of the day.)

Update 08:00 UTC: The first 24 hours is over! And we did WELL.

Image of text in branded AniFem colours, saying: "AniFem Crowdfunding Day 1. 335 backers, $16,921 raised, 85% of our goal, Number 1 trending on Indiegogo. THANK YOU! $989 to Milestone 3, $2,979 to our goal, $3,579 to our first stretch goal."

Update 08:30 UTC: We’ve had three new backers and hit 90%, clearing Milestone 3 and leaving us with just $1,850 to reach our goal! I had worried that we might lose momentum after the offer of a free art print in the first 24 hours ended, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. Instead, we’re seeing tweets from community members excited by how close the stretch goals are. Including me!

Update 14:30 UTC: We reached 350 backers! Things have slowed down a lot now, so we’re doing a lot of work behind the scenes  to try and get us over the 100% line before the weekend is out. If you’re a fan of our work and want to see the campaign succeed, now is the perfect time to tell your network why you think they should support us too!

Update 17:45 UTC: We’re just $1,000 away from reaching our goal!! We’re counting down over on the AniFem Twitter, check our gif thread for live-tweeted goal amount updates. If we meet our goal by 20:00 UTC we will have made almost $20,000 in 36 hours… Not bad for a niche, ethics-driven, feminist organisation.

Update 21:30 UTC: We’re now under $500 from our goal – at 97%, we have just $466 yet to raise! It’s official: I’m not sleeping until we make it to 100%.

Update 22:00 UTC: GOAL!

Update 22:15 UTC: We’ve broken $10,000!

Update 23:10 UTC: Unbelievably, we’ve met our first stretch goal already! At $20,500, we can start work making our three pages of lists for feminist-friendly, LGBTQ+ positive, and child/teen-appropriate recommendations.

Image featuring text in AniFem branded colours, saying: "THANK YOU! Hour 5: $6,410 Milestone 1 clear. Hour 12: $12,660 Milestone 2 clear. Hour 24: $17,910 Milestone 3 clear. Hour 38: $19,900 Goal clear. Hour 40: $20,500 Stretch Goal 1 clear. Now funding stretch goals until Saturday 29 December!"
Cartoony image of a doughnut in AniFem branded colours, a cute design with a small smiley face on it and the words "Thank you!" above.

We Need Your Help!

We’re dedicated to paying our contributors and staff members fairly for their work—but we can’t do it alone.

You can become a patron for as little as $1 a month, and every single penny goes to the people and services that keep Anime Feminist running. Please help us pay more people to make great content!

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