How inclusive are anime conventions?

By: Anime Feminist May 29, 20178 comments

It was a big weekend for conventions, with MCM Comic Con in the UK, Anime North in Canada, Fanime in the US, and no doubt many more. Cons should be – and usually are – a positive experience, but we know it can be a mixed bag for marginalised attendees.

  • What is the greatest feminist experience you’ve had at an anime convention, maybe feeling empowered yourself or witnessing something that made you feel good as a feminist/ally?
  • What is the most negative experience you’ve had, and how could it have been prevented?
  • What measures have you noticed conventions taking to ensure all fans feel welcome and safe?
  • If you haven’t been to a con lately, what would be your criteria in choosing one to go to?
  • Details to be confirmed, but AniFem will have a convention presence this year – which cons will you be attending that you’d like to see us at?

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